School Districts
MiDataHub provides integration supports that include the exchange of data between a Student Information Systems (SIS), Assessment systems, Food Management, behavior, Data Warehouses. The list goes on and on. We provide instructional support dashboards, including Early Learning and K-12 educator dashboards, an Early Warning System, and Intervention Catalog. Some of which were built through the investments of well over $10 million by other states and philanthropic foundations. MiDataHub is also developing a space for collaborative purchasing so a district can stretch the budget a bit farther when bringing technology integrations into your buildings.
MiDataHub enables a model where state agencies and consortia of districts can efficiently develop and centrally deliver innovative new educational applications while preserving local district control of data and responsibility for authentication, authorization, and accounting.
MiDataHub has curated integrations with MiRead, MiLearn, and MiSchoolData. These systems provide districts across the state with the tools to meet students where they are and help them grow!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about MiDataHub please contact MiServiceDesk.