Who Benefits?
The Michigan Data Hub (MiDataHub) strives to ensure districts across the state of Michigan have easier access to data by simplifying the exchange of data between educational data systems. MiDataHub is a collaborative, statewide initiative that addresses the challenges schools face daily with managing these integrations between systems and providing tools instructional and administrative staff use to drive classroom instruction.
The work of MiDataHub has centered around creating an ecosystem where districts have control of the information exchanged between the large number of both connected and disconnected data systems used by schools in the state. All of the data exchanges are based on pre‐defined national standards (Ed‐Fi). In addition to creating an eco‐system to exchange data between systems, once integrated with MiDataHub you will have access to dashboards populated with instructional data from your Student Information System, an Early Warning System which is currently embedded in the Michigan Department of Education EWIMS Process (process to identify students at risk of dropping out), UIC Services Lookup functionality, State Reporting processes, and an IRIP tool that will identify and provide users access to a strategy bank.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about MiDataHub please contact MiServiceDesk.