Michigan DataHub ROI 2.0 Webinar (recorded 2/18/2025)

2024-25 Benchmark Assessment Webinar (recorded 9/11/2024)

Slide Deck

MiDataHub YouTube - Short video clips that walk end users through using the functionality of MiDataHub.

Back-to-School Webinar 24-25

Side Deck
Check List

ROI 2.0 Webinar

Slide Deck

MiSTAR-Q Conference Presentation

Side Deck

Michigan School Testing Conference, Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Turning Data You Have Into Information You Can Use

MiDataHub AWS Migration and Data Hosting Agreement Webinar 2/1/2023

Slide Deck

2022 Fall MAEDS Conference Presentation

Slide Deck

2022-2023 Fall MiDataHub Benchmark Assessment Reporting 9/22/2022

Slide Deck

MiDataHub: Session 1: Are You Ready? Prepping the MiDataHub Cockpit for the New School Year

Slide Deck

MiDataHub Roster Integration for SWIS Datalink - 8/29/2022

SWIS Webinar
Slide Deck

Mode of Instruction Webinar

Mode of Instruction Presentation - 4/19/2022
Slide Deck

Digital Equity Webinar

Digital Equity Presentation - 11/19/2021
Side Deck

2021-22 Return to Learn Benchmark Assessment Webinar

Recording - 10/25/2021 Session
Recording - 10/26/2021 Session
Slide Deck
MiDataHub - 2021-22 Return To Learn Webinar FAQ

Curriculum Associates i-Ready Return to Learn Benchmark Assessment Webinar

Slide Deck

Renaissance Star Return to Learn Benchmark Assessment Webinar

Slide Deck
Slide Deck (Renaissance)

DRC Return to Learn Webinar

DRC Webinar
DRC Slide Deck

NWEA Return to Learn Benchmark Assessment, 4/20/21

NWEA Webinar 4/20/2021
NWEA Webinar 4/28/2021
NWEA Slide Deck - same used for both Webinars.

OnRoster Deep Dive

OneRoster Deep Dive Recording
One Roster PowerPoint

Michigan Data Hub Presentation:

Detroit Public Schools Charter School Network - 2/24/21