Q & A
Data Hub Cockpit
Q - How would I verify my data is publishing over to MiDataHub from the Student Information System?
Q - What is the recommended report to validate users and their authorizations as they are published over from our Student Information System?
Q - What are the three different types of Integrations available to us for integrating with MiDataHub
Q – Our district currently has 3 large online curriculum packages provided by McGraw-Hill. Is there a way to use MiDataHub for the Oneroster 1.1 format to upload data to OneRoster?
A - Yes, the OneRoster API in MiDataHub will work for this integration. The OneRoster integration is setup similar to the screenshot below, including the details directly below. You will need to create an API integration for the desired product. In the example below we are using McGraw Hill – ConnectEd.
- Ensure the Permit Access to the OneRoster API is selected
- Ensure the Include Student Demographics checkbox is selected
- Since OneRoster is only able to import one year at a time, ensure the correct year is selected under the Year pull down menu.
- You will need to provide McGraw-Hill the Key, Secret, and two OneRoster from this API integration.
Q - What are the dashboards, and what type of data is available on them?
Q - Are the dashboards free?
Q - Who created the Dashboards?
Q - Who supports MiDataHub?
Q - Is there a ticket system on MiDataHub ?
Q - I heard there are meetings with the Student Information System developers, how can I join these calls?
State of Michigan Connected Tools
Q - How is MiDataHub funded?
Future Development/Updates
Q - I have an enhancement idea, how can I pass this on to the MiDataHub team?
Q - How often are there updates or releases to new functionality in MiDataHub ?