Vendor/Sponsor/Owner: State of Michigan
Integration Steps: Currently, the team at MiDataHub is working closely with MDE on a staggered implementation of reactivating the Michigan State Assessment integration for districts that had this functionality previously activated in the MiDataHub cockpit.
Please refer to the “DISTRICT STATUS” tab, “State Assessment” column found in the worksheet below to verify the status of your Michigan State Assessment Service integration. A “1” indicates your district either has the integration activated OR is on the list of districts to have this integration configured.
ISD and District Status Update
If your district has a “0” and would like this integration created, please submit a support request at MiServiceDesk. MiDataHub will activate this integration in your MiDataHub cockpit upon your request as we continue to reactivate the integrations statewide.
Current Available Assessments:
- MSTEP – 3 test cycles
- PSAT – 3 test cycles
- SAT – 3 test cycles