Vendor/Sponsor/Owner: Owner - Michigan Data Hub
Contact: MiServiceDesk
Documentation Links:
District ADFS federation to MiDataHub ADFS
District G Suite federation to MiDataHub ADFS
Directions for Expired Google Certificate
Azure AD Configuration for MiDataHub Federation - Azure Marketplace Info - Tutorial
Azure Certificate Update Instructions
Date integrated: 02/12/2019 - Documented process formally launched
Status: Certified/Scale - Google, Microsoft AD and Azure AD are all federating successfully
Who is implementing this: All MI Districts are encouraged to perform these steps.
History: Eastern UP ISD (EUPISD) was the first to establish connection of their regional Microsoft AD to access MiDataHub, followed closely by REMC 1/Copper Country ISD. Work to expand the SSO federation took off when Algebra Nation became the first vendor to successfully utilize these directory accounts to allow students to log in. Several districts in St. Joseph County served as the first to federate and use Google accounts to authenticate for Algebra Nation.
Requirements: A school district using Google or Microsoft AD/Azure AD for staff and student logins.