Vendor/Sponsor/Owner: Medical Decision Logic, Inc (mdlogix), a virtual company
Kyle Rachman, Technical Support Analyst, (240) 410-0820
Chris Strom, Chief Technology Officer, (240) 410-0820
Product Description:
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) chose bhworks from mdlogix in May 2021 to help schools statewide to gain consent, screen, identify, assess, refer, and monitor treatment for all school-age youth grades K – 12. The goal is to reduce youth suicides and other mental health issues, as well as streamline confidential communication among parents, teachers, and providers. bhworks is now used in 75 percent of Michigan Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) at no cost to them and serves millions of students in states across the US.
bhworks behavioral and mental health software for K-12 schools is the most complete platform for helping students with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, body image issues, and more. It has all the tools you need in one package to allow you to follow complete and proven best practices, ensure greater efficiency, and collect real-time data for measured outcomes. You can access bhworks from any web-based device and know your student information is safe and secure as our platform is in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Integration Notes
bhworks allows authorized school personnel and ISD providers to refer a student to the ISD for mental health services. Once integration with the MiDataHub is enabled, the student’s demographic details, contact information, MiDataHub, State and SIS Identifiers will automatically be pulled into bhworks during the referral process, minimizing the need for manual data entry.
The following link provides step by step instructions to create the API Integration in MiDataHub: API Integration Instructions
To initiate setup, ISD technical support should contact the bhworks team at